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What should I pack for Pony Camp?

What should I pack for Pony Camp?

3 minute read

Not sure what you should pack for horse riding camp? Avid equestrian and youTuber Madison Ritsch shares her to picks for Pony Camp. Packing for Pony Camp is easy, just bring lots of Kerrits–and carrots! Grab your favorite Kerrits gear and you'll be ready for anything. 

Hi everyone, I am going to show you all how I pack for Pony Camp. I will be using the Kerrits Pony Camp Checklist and Overnight Pony Camp Checklist that can be found at the bottom of this page to show you what packing essentials I bring to pony camp.

  1. First off, I love bringing my Kerrits Ice Fil shirts, these keep me cool and comfortable while I ride. You can find Ice Fil Short Sleeve and Long Sleeve shirts here.
  2. I also love my Kerrits Ice Fil Full Seat Tech Tights, they have a grippy full seat silicone texture to make sure I stay cool and secure in the saddle.
  3. Make sure to bring a Kerrits jacket. Look for something that will keep you warm and comfortable while you ride.
  4. Make sure to bring some extra socks.
  5. Bring a belt to help keep your pants up and to help you look professional while you ride.
  6. It is really important you bring tall boots or other riding boots like paddock boots that have a hard toe and a heel, don't have too much traction and fit you perfectly.
  7. Make sure you bring a helmet that fits you and is ASTM/SEI certified, just in case they don't have helmets for you to borrow while you are there!
  8. Make sure to bring rubber boots. They should have a hard toe and a heel and is waterproof to keep your feet protected and dry around horses.


Now let's move onto miscellaneous items:

  1. Bring some of your favorite brushes if you like.
  2. It's also super important to bring some sunscreen and some bug spray to make sure you are protected and not sun burnt while you are riding.
  3. Bring a notebook and a pen to take some notes in case you go to a horse management clinic or just want to play some games with your friends.
  4. Also bring a toiletry kit with some extra sunscreen, a toothbrush, a hairbrush and maybe some medicine in case you need it.
  5. Bring a change of clothes, like t-shirts, shorts, jackets etc.
  6. Last, but not least, bring some shoe polish! It is important that your boots look clean and professional while you ride!

Download your pony camp checklist Download your overnight pony camp checklist

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